AGM Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog Welfare Committee

Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024

nos Iau, 18 Ebrill am 7yp, Y Caban

Annual General Meeting 2024

Thursday 18 April at 7pm, the Beach Hut


Prosiect Perthyn – Canolfan Crannog

Adroddiad cychwynnol ymarferoldeb

Preliminary feasibility report

What is happening with the Capel Crannog site?Beth sy’n digwydd gyda safle Capel Crannog?
Who owns it?Pwy sy’n berchen arno?
What are the issues surrounding redevelopment?Beth yw’r materion sy’n ymwneud ag ailddatblygu?
What are the options?Beth yw’r dewisiadau?
What would it cost?Beth fyddai’n ei gostio?
Is it possible to make the site work for the community?A oes modd gwneud i’r safle weithio i’r gymuned?

Bydd y darlith yn cael e ddilyn gyda’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024

The presentation will be followed by the Welfare Committee AGM

Mae gan holl drigolion yr hawl i fynychu’r cyfarfod ac fe’ch gwahoddir i wneud. Mae’n bosibl penodi dirprwy, gofynnwch am fanylion. All village residents are entitled and invited to attend and/or join the Committee. A proxy may be appointed; for details please ask.

Os ych chi’n moyn ymuno’r Pwyllgor, ofynwch yr Ysgrifenyddes am fanylion. If you wish to join the Committee, please contact the Secretary for details:

Cranogwen : Ei dylanwad a’i chyflawniadau | Cranogwen : Her Influence and Achievements


7 – 8pm


Registration Link

Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen Community Monument

Crangowen : Ei dylanwad a’i chyflawniadau | Cranogwen : Her Influence and Achievements

Cyflwyniad gan Yr Athro Jane Aaron o Brifysgol De Cymru | A presentation by Professor Jane Aaron of the University of South Wales.

Rydym yn falch iawn i gyhoeddi lansiad Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen, wedi ei gefnogi gan Monumental Welsh Women

Dyma gyfle i ni rannu gyda phawb beth yw amcan y prosiect, beth sydd eisoes wedi ei gyflawni gan Monumental Welsh Women o ran codi arian a beth sydd angen ei gwneud er mwyn sicrhau bod cerflun o Cranogwen yn cael ei godi yma yn y pentref.

I gychwyn y prosiect mi fydd cyflwyniad gan Jane Aaron, sydd wrthi’n ysgrifennu bywgraffiad am Cranogwen, y morwr, bardd, athrawes, newyddiadurwraig, pregethwraig ac ymgyrchydd.

Mi fydd y cyflwyniad tua 30 munud gyda cyfle i holi cwestiynau wedyn.

We are proud to announce the launch of the Cranogwen Community Monument project, supported by Monumental Welsh Women.

We would like to share the aims of this project, what has already been achieved by Monumental Welsh Women in terms of fundraising and what needs to be done in order to ensure a statue of Cranogwen is raised here in the village.

Our first event is a FREE Zoom talk by Jane Aaron, who is writing a definitive biography of Cranogwen – mariner, poet, teacher, journalist, preacher and campaigner.

The talk will last around 30 minutes and there will be an opportunity to ask questions afterwards.

Croeso i bawb | All welcome

(Mi fydd y cyflwyniad gan Jane Aaron yn Saesneg | The presentation by Jane Aaron will be in English)


Over 60s Christmas Dinner 2018

We had a great turnout this year for the Over 60s Christmas Dinner for residents of Llangrannog. Nearly 40 people enjoyed a three-course Christmas meal prepared by Mike and the team at the Pentre Arms. Jonathan Rees led us in a series of carols, accompanied by the fiddle. Thanks to the staff of the Pentre and Jonathan, and everyone who helped organise the day.

If you have a Llangrannog postcode (pop it into Google to find out!) and are over 60 years old, you are eligible to attend the dinner next year. Please be aware, we don’t always know who is over 60, (and we don’t like to ask!) so please request  to be put on the list.

Noson Tân Gwyllt – Fireworks Night

The Llangrannog Welfare Committee and the Fireworks Committee regret to announce that there will be no fireworks display in Llangrannog this year. Complex issues (including those of safety at this hugely popular event) have led to this decision. We thank you for your understanding. 

Mae’r Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog a’r Pwyllgor Tân Gwyllt yn drist i gyhoeddi na fydd yna arddangosfa tân gwyllt yn Langrannog eleni.

Kat Dawes 
Ysgrifenyddes y Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog | Llangrannog Welfare Committee Secretary



Duck Race and Egg Hunt – Ras Hwyaid ac Helfa am Wyau y Pasg

Dydd Sul 1 mis Ebrill – Sunday 1 Ebrill
Llangrannog Beach Front – Traeth Llangrannog
Weather permitting! Os ydy’r tywydd yn iawn!

Dechrau’r Ras – Race Start: 2.30pm/yp
Gwobrau – Prizes: £20, £15, £10, 5 x £5
£1 a go/yr un

Helfa am Wyau y Pasg, £1
Easter Egg Hunt, £1 a go