Car Park Field Maintenance

The free car park field at the top of the village has had the grass cut and the orchard trees tidied up. Thanks to Committee members Gerry and Adrian for their equipment and skills.

The field is owned by the Council, but the Committee has in recent years planted a few trees, sited some benches and aimed to keep the grass cut in order that more people can benefit from it. A toilet will be installed for the summer, paid for by the Communit Council.

Car Park Update Feb 2023

The Llangrannog beachfront car park has a new parking machine which takes coins and cards. You can also use JustPark to pay (but the wifi is very slow). The rule that you must pay within ten minutes of entering the car park remains in place. There are new signs which clearly state the conditions of parking.

It should be noted that vandalism of the new machine or any car park property will be on CCTV. Please do not tamper with the machine; this means others cannot pay and is counter-productive.

We hope that the new machine will allevaite the problems that we have seen with the car park in the last few years. For any advice, please email the Welfare Committee at

Mae gan faes parcio glan traeth Llangrannog beiriant parcio newydd sy’n cymryd darnau arian a chardiau. Gallwch hefyd ddefnyddio JustPark i dalu (ond mae’r wifi yn araf iawn). Mae’r rheol bod yn rhaid i chi dalu o fewn deng munud i fynd i mewn i’r maes parcio yn parhau mewn grym. Mae arwyddion newydd sy’n nodi’n glir yr amodau parcio.

Dylid nodi y bydd y peiriant newydd neu unrhyw eiddo maes parcio yn cael ei fandaleiddio ar deledu cylch cyfyng. Peidiwch ag ymyrryd â’r peiriant; mae hyn yn golygu na all eraill dalu ac mae’n wrthgynhyrchiol.

Gobeithiwn y bydd y peiriant newydd yn lleddfu’r problemau yr ydym wedi’u gweld gyda’r maes parcio yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Am unrhyw gyngor, e-bostiwch y Pwyllgor Lles ar

Cymorth y Maes Parcio Llangrannog Car Park advice

From David Carrod, LLB (Hons), GCILEx Director, Small Claims Advisor Limited

I have been at the forefront of fighting private parking companies for many years, with a high success rate, and have recently been contacted by a client who received a PCN at Llangrannog.

The facts are that Mr H parked his car there, and paid the £4 tariff for the relevant period of parking, keying in his full registration number. The machine issued a ticket (attached), on which the registration number was truncated so that only the first digit, a letter S, was showing.

He appealed to OPS, and unsurprisingly that was almost instantly rejected. He then appealed to POPLA, and they sided with OPS, saying that it is a condition of parking that a ticket with the full registration number must be displayed. POPLA are not ‘independent’ as they suggest, they are fully funded and controlled by the British Parking Association.

Months later, he received a court claim, drafted by DCB Legal on behalf of OPS (redacted version attached).

I have drafted a Defence for him, and will be there in court to represent him should the case proceed that far, with a very high expectation that the claim will be dismissed in favour of the Defendant.

Please feel free to use /adapt this Defence for others in a similar situation, and to publish it on your website.

Kind regards,

David Carrod, LLB (Hons), GCILEx

Director, Small Claims Advisor Limited