Adroddiad Capel Crannog Report

English below.

Lawrlwythiadau PDF o’r adroddiad dichonoldeb a baratowyd dros y chwe mis diwethaf gyda grant Perthyn gan LlC trwy Cwmpas. Cyflwynwyd hwn yng Nghyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol y Pwyllgor Lles ym mis Ebrill 2024.

Mae’r Pwyllgor Lles wedi ceisio archwilio syniadau yn ymwneud ag ailddatblygu safle Capel Crannog er budd y pentref. Daeth ymddiriedolwyr presennol Canolfan Crannog atom i helpu i gadw’r safle fel ased pentref.

Mae rhan gyntaf yr adroddiad yn egluro syniadau, posibiliadau, angen lleol a’r ymchwil a wnaed. Sylwch fod y rhain i gyd yn syniadau ar hyn o bryd, nid oes unrhyw benderfyniadau wedi’u gwneud ac mae mwy o waith i’w wneud. Rydym yn croesawu sylwadau, cefnogaeth, cwestiynau a syniadau!

PDF downloads of the feasibility report prepared over the last six months with a Perthyn grant from the WG via Cwmpas. This was presented at the Welfare Committee AGM in April 2024

The Welfare have sought to explore ideas relating to the redevelopment of the Capel Crannog site for the benefit of the village. We were approached by the current trustees of Canolfan Crannog to help with keeping the site as a village asset.

The first part of the report explains ideas, possibilities, local need and research done. Note that these are all ideas at the moment, no decisions have been made and there is more work to be done. We welcome comments, support, questions and ideas! 

Apologies that this is currently English-only; you are welcome to contact Kat in Welsh or English

AGM Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog Welfare Committee

Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024

nos Iau, 18 Ebrill am 7yp, Y Caban

Annual General Meeting 2024

Thursday 18 April at 7pm, the Beach Hut


Prosiect Perthyn – Canolfan Crannog

Adroddiad cychwynnol ymarferoldeb

Preliminary feasibility report

What is happening with the Capel Crannog site?Beth sy’n digwydd gyda safle Capel Crannog?
Who owns it?Pwy sy’n berchen arno?
What are the issues surrounding redevelopment?Beth yw’r materion sy’n ymwneud ag ailddatblygu?
What are the options?Beth yw’r dewisiadau?
What would it cost?Beth fyddai’n ei gostio?
Is it possible to make the site work for the community?A oes modd gwneud i’r safle weithio i’r gymuned?

Bydd y darlith yn cael e ddilyn gyda’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024

The presentation will be followed by the Welfare Committee AGM

Mae gan holl drigolion yr hawl i fynychu’r cyfarfod ac fe’ch gwahoddir i wneud. Mae’n bosibl penodi dirprwy, gofynnwch am fanylion. All village residents are entitled and invited to attend and/or join the Committee. A proxy may be appointed; for details please ask.

Os ych chi’n moyn ymuno’r Pwyllgor, ofynwch yr Ysgrifenyddes am fanylion. If you wish to join the Committee, please contact the Secretary for details: