Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024
nos Iau, 18 Ebrill am 7yp, Y Caban
Annual General Meeting 2024
Thursday 18 April at 7pm, the Beach Hut
Prosiect Perthyn – Canolfan Crannog

Adroddiad cychwynnol ymarferoldeb
Preliminary feasibility report
What is happening with the Capel Crannog site? | Beth sy’n digwydd gyda safle Capel Crannog? |
Who owns it? | Pwy sy’n berchen arno? |
What are the issues surrounding redevelopment? | Beth yw’r materion sy’n ymwneud ag ailddatblygu? |
What are the options? | Beth yw’r dewisiadau? |
What would it cost? | Beth fyddai’n ei gostio? |
Is it possible to make the site work for the community? | A oes modd gwneud i’r safle weithio i’r gymuned? |
Bydd y darlith yn cael e ddilyn gyda’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2024
The presentation will be followed by the Welfare Committee AGM
Mae gan holl drigolion yr hawl i fynychu’r cyfarfod ac fe’ch gwahoddir i wneud. Mae’n bosibl penodi dirprwy, gofynnwch am fanylion. All village residents are entitled and invited to attend and/or join the Committee. A proxy may be appointed; for details please ask.
Os ych chi’n moyn ymuno’r Pwyllgor, ofynwch yr Ysgrifenyddes am fanylion. If you wish to join the Committee, please contact the Secretary for details: