Gwaith Cranogwen – Clai – Clay

Cranogwen Statue update: Kezi Ferguson and Seb Boyesen are working on covering the model of Cranogwen in clay and rendering the details this week.

Y diweddaraf am Gerflun Cranogwen: Mae Kezi Ferguson a Seb Boyesen yn gweithio ar orchuddio’r model o Cranogwen mewn clai ac yn rhoi’r manylion yr wythnos hon.

Kezi Ferguson

Cranogwen yn fyw…

The life-sized framework has now been created and Seb and Kezi his assistant will now begin the clay modelling onto it. Smaller details such as buttons, pocket embroidery and her collar will be done separately. The plinth has been modelled in fibreglass to allow detailed work.

The head will be sculpted separately, and the hands will be re-cast and detailed.

Cranogwen’s little dog Fan will be readied soon to sit at her side!

Seb has generously offered to have another Open Studio in December/January to show their progress.

We hope you agree it looks really exciting, and that it is finally coming to life. Thank you again for all your support, and if you feel you can give a little more, we need to raise more for the garden redevelopment and spiralling costs for materials. Diolch.

Mae’r fframwaith maint llawn bellach wedi’i greu a bydd Seb a Kezi ei gynorthwyydd yn dechrau ar y modelu clai arno. Bydd manylion llai fel botymau, brodwaith poced a’i choler yn cael eu gwneud ar wahân. Mae’r plinth wedi’i fodelu mewn gwydr ffibr i ganiatáu gwaith manwl.

Bydd y pen yn cael ei gerflunio ar wahân, a bydd y dwylo’n cael eu hail-gastio a’u manylu.

Bydd Fan ci bach Cranogwen yn barod yn fuan i eistedd wrth ei hochr!

Mae Seb wedi cynnig yn hael i gael Stiwdio Agored arall ym mis Rhagfyr/Ionawr i ddangos eu cynnydd.

Gobeithio eich bod yn cytuno ei fod yn edrych yn gyffrous iawn, a’i fod yn dod yn fyw o’r diwedd. Diolch eto am eich holl gefnogaeth, ac os teimlwch y gallwch roi ychydig mwy, mae angen i ni godi mwy ar gyfer ailddatblygu’r ardd a chostau troellog ar gyfer deunyddiau. Diolch.

Cynydd Yr Ardd – Garden Progress

Horses heads – left and slates, centre

Diolch o galon i’r rhai sydd eisoes wedi rhoi mor hael i’n cronfa Gardd y Pentre Llangrannog. Mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo’n dda, gyda’r waliau cerrig gwreiddiol hardd wedi’u trwsio, ‘penau ceffylau’ (cerrig lleol mawr) yn eu lle a’r gwaith ar y llawr yn dechrau. Rydym bellach yn defnyddio llechi Gogledd Cymru ar gyfer y ffiniau barddoniaeth, sy’n arbed arian.

Gyda chynnydd ym mhopeth o ddeunyddiau i gostau dosbarthu, rydym yn wirioneddol obeithio cyrraedd ein targed o £8,000. Rhaid inni hefyd ailadeiladu’r grisiau i’r ardd isaf fel eu bod yn fwy hygyrch a diogel nag o’r blaen; dyfynnwyd hyn yn £1,000.

Mwy o wybodaeth

Many, many thanks to those who have already given so generously to our Llangrannog Village Garden fund. Work is going well, with the beautiful original stone walls mended, ‘horses heads’ (large local stones) in place and the work on the floor beginning. We are now using North Wales slate for the poetry borders, which saves money.

With increases in everything from materials to delivery costs, we are really hoping to hit our £8,000 target. We must also rebuild the steps to the lower garden so they are more accessible and safe than before; this has been quoted at £1,000.

For more info and to donate please see

Cymorth y Maes Parcio Llangrannog Car Park advice

From David Carrod, LLB (Hons), GCILEx Director, Small Claims Advisor Limited

I have been at the forefront of fighting private parking companies for many years, with a high success rate, and have recently been contacted by a client who received a PCN at Llangrannog.

The facts are that Mr H parked his car there, and paid the £4 tariff for the relevant period of parking, keying in his full registration number. The machine issued a ticket (attached), on which the registration number was truncated so that only the first digit, a letter S, was showing.

He appealed to OPS, and unsurprisingly that was almost instantly rejected. He then appealed to POPLA, and they sided with OPS, saying that it is a condition of parking that a ticket with the full registration number must be displayed. POPLA are not ‘independent’ as they suggest, they are fully funded and controlled by the British Parking Association.

Months later, he received a court claim, drafted by DCB Legal on behalf of OPS (redacted version attached).

I have drafted a Defence for him, and will be there in court to represent him should the case proceed that far, with a very high expectation that the claim will be dismissed in favour of the Defendant.

Please feel free to use /adapt this Defence for others in a similar situation, and to publish it on your website.

Kind regards,

David Carrod, LLB (Hons), GCILEx

Director, Small Claims Advisor Limited

Adroddiad Ffynnon Fair Report

(English below)

Yn dilyn dau gyfarfod a dau ymweliad safle, mae’r arbenigwr ffynon ac awdur Phil Cope wedi creu ei adroddiad terfynol ynglŷn â Ffynon Fair ger eglwys Llangrannog. Comisiynwyd a thalwyd am yr adroddiad gan James Stewart, yr oedd ei fam yn byw yn Llangrannog ac â diddordeb byw yn adfywiad y ffynnon. Diolch yn fawr i’r ddau.

Mae’r gymuned wedi bod yn ymwneud yn helaeth â gwaith cynnal a chadw i’r safle hyfryd hwn, a gobeithiwn fynd â hyn ymhellach yn 2023. Gallwch weld mwy am y gwaith a wnaed hyd yma yma. Bydd rhagor o wybodaeth am fod yn rhan o ddatblygiadau pellach ar gael ar y wefan hon ac ar dudalen Facebook Hwb Llangrannog.

Gellir lawrlwytho adroddiad Phil isod (fformat PDF). Os na allwch chi/eraill lawrlwytho ac yr hoffech ddewis arall, cysylltwch â’r Ysgrifennydd.

Following two meetings and two site visits, well expert and writer Phil Cope has created his final report on the spring at Ffynnon Fair near the church in Llangrannog. The report was commissioned and paid for by James Stewart, whose mother lived in Llangrannog and had a keen interest in the revival of the well. Many thanks to both.

The community has been heavily involved in maintenance work to this lovely site, and we hope to take this further in 2023. You can see more about the work done so far here. More information on being involved in further developments will be forthcoming on this website and the Llangrannog Hwb Facebook page.

Phil’s report can be downloaded below (PDF format). If you/others cannot download and would like another option please contact the Secretary.

llangrannog well

Ardd y Pentref – Village Garden

Mae Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog wedi dechrau ar y gwaith o adnewyddu Gardd y Pentre sydd wedi’i lleoli rhwng capel Bancyfelin a rhaeadr Y Gerwn.

Dyn ni eisoes wedi codi dros £2,000 ac wedi derbyn grant gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion i gefnogi’r gwaith. Ein nod yw codi £8000 a’n gobaith yw cael eich help chi i wireddu’r freuddwyd hon.

Cafodd cynllun yr ardd ei greu gan Gail Robinson, person lleol sy’n arbenigo mewn gerddi. Roedd hyn yn dilyn ymgynghoriad ymhlith aelodau o’r gymuned. Teifi Landscaping sy’n gwneud y gwaith. Bydd llinellau o farddoniaeth Cranogwen yn cael eu hymgorffori yn y llawr carreg newydd. Yn y cynllun hefyd, gallwch weld mynedfa newydd mwy diogel a lleoedd i blannu planhigion o bob math.

Crewyd yr ardd yn 19…., ac yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwetha mae’r ardd wedi cael ei chynnal gan nifer o arddwyr ac adeiladwyr lleol. Bydd y cynllun newydd yn cadw rhai agweddau o’r ardd wreiddiol fel y waliau llechi ond bydd y datblygiad newydd yn lleoliad perffaith ar gyfer cerflun Cranogwen, ein harwres leol. Dyn ni’n gweithio mewn cydweithrediad â Thîm Prosiect Cymunedol Cranogwen a Monumental Welsh Women.

Y gobaith hefyd yw casglu digon o arian i ddarparu byrddau gwybodaeth am fywyd a gwaith Cranogwen a hefyd dathlu gwaith caled nifer o bentrefwyr yn yr ardd dros y blynyddoedd.

Llangrannog Welfare Committee have begun work on renovating the beloved Village Garden, located between Banc-y-Felin chapel and Y Gerwn waterfall.

We have already raised over £2,000 and have won a grant from Ceredigion County Council to support the work. We aim to raise another £8,000 and hope you can help us realise this dream.

The garden design shown was created by local garden expert Gail Robinson following consultation with community members. Work is being done by Teifi Landscaping. The design incorporates some of Cranogwen’s poetry, which will be set into the new stone floor. The plan shows a new, safer entrance, new planters and space for hardy, annual plants.

Built in the early 1900s, the garden has been further developed and maintained by successive local gardeners and builders. The new design aims to preserve aspects of the garden such as the original slate walls, and build on it to provide a perfect site for a statue of Cranogwen, our local heroine. We are working in partnership with the Cranogwen Community Monument team and Monumental Welsh Women to bring this idea to life.

We also hope to have enough money to provide information boards to illustrate Cranogwen’s life and importance, as well as celebrate the hard work of many villagers in the garden over the years.

Ffynon Fair

Ffynon Fair (St Mary’s Well) in Llangrannog is situated just up the road from the churchyard on the right hand side. The site is owned by the Llangrannog Welfare Committee, and we have long thought to do something with it. When we were approached by James Stewart and well expert Phil Cope, we were delighted to plan to uncover the well.

llangrannog well

The first work party got going on 15 May, followed by more clearing the next week. Enjoy some of the photos and the water test results; more information to follow. If you would like to get involved, email

PDF file: Ffynon Fair Project Overview

FIRST WATER TEST from Llangrannog Well
Sunday 15 May 2022

This is a fairly basic first test, but gives an interesting (and mostly positive) analysis of the (surprisingly clean in the circumstances) water

Total Hardness        50mg per litre (low)

Free Chlorine           0mg per litre

Iron                             0mg per litre

Copper                       0mg per litre

Lead                            0mg per litre (good news)

Nitrate                       10mg per litre

Nitrite                        0mg per litre

Bromide                    6mg per litre

Total Chlorine          0mg per litre

Fluoride                     0mg per litre

Cyanuric Acid           0mg per litre

Carbonate                 80mg per litre

Total Alkalinity        80mg per litre

pH                                6.4 (7-8.4 is good)

  1. Ffynon Fair (notes from a Welfare Committee meeting with James and Phil)

Welcome to Phil Cope (author of The Living Wells of Wales) and James Stewart to discuss Ffynon Fair.

James’s mother grew up in Llangrannog at the rectory; his grandfather was the rector. His mother had an interest in the well and James would like to pay for Phil to do a consultancy in memory of his mother.

Phil believes this well has national significance.

Two phases are anticipated

  • An examination of the meanings of well springs
  • Phil offers a talk giving an intro to holy wells in general and FF and its possibilities to encourage support
  • Determine what we know already about FF
  • The naming(s) of wells (Welsh to Christianisation) ­– 50% have ended up becoming Lady Well or St Mary’s Well
  • We should look at it in the context of all the others in the village – Penfynnon/Bywell
  • Ownership and source of the water
  • Importance of education esp. with children as a part of climate conerns. Part of plans on what the well’s future should be. Community involvement.
  • Cranogwen’s poem Y Fynnon
  • Well-dressing and well-guarding
  • Initial exploration, cleaning and assessment of site
  • Dyfed Archeaelogical Trust are interested; water test
  • Further community meeting to show progress and designs for the future
  • Press and publicising online etc.
  • Budget and funding applications for Phase 2
  • Phase 2 – Delivery. Buildling a new well, seating, surrounding, interpretation panel, direction signs etc.
  • Well launch and possible festival
  • Publication – TV, radio, papers etc.
  • Links with other sites e.g. Carantek/Crantock/Irish site

Ian ap Dewi remembers being taken after Sunday School to drink the well water, and that it was known as Carannog’s Well. Speaking to John MO and Ian would be very useful.

Mary and June Sylvester would have some information.

Lowri Williams as director of Gwersyll yr Urdd

Boco and others of the Beechey family.

It was noted that some drainage work was done on the field and the spring does not flow as it used to. DAT could help here.

We can begin asking for stories and photos, but should hold forth on the physical work.

We are not bound by the rules of Cadw etc. so we can marry this with our own creative contribution to the development of the life of this well by buildling on what has gone before. What does this mean to us today; how is it relevant (e.g. ecology, water, climate etc.)?

Gather ideas of local artists, craftspeople, wall-builders, historians etc.

Within 12 months of agreement – could be done by September 2022. First open meeting could be Feb 2022. March school work. April cleanup. July 2nd meeting. Report Sept 22.

Plans etc. Early 2023. 2023 phase 2. Project completed May 2024.

Heritage Lottery Fund will be very keen especially as we have not had money from them before. This will not be a very expensive project.

Important Notice

Mae gweithredu’n anghyfreithlon ac achosu difrod i’r peiriant tocynnau yn y maes parcio ddim yn cynorthwyo ymdrechion y Cyngor Cymuned, Y Pwyllgor Lles ar y cyd efo’r perchennog i ddatrys y broblem. Mae hyn yn adlewyrchu yn wael ar y gymuned leol ac yn rhoi enw gwael i bentref Llangrannog.
Illegal operation and damage to the ticket machine in the car park does not assist the joint efforts of the Community Council and the Welfare Committee with the owner to resolve the problem. This reflects badly on the local community and gives a bad name to the village of Llangrannog.

Talwrn Cranogwen

Dydd Mawrth, 8 Mawrth, 2022 | 19:30 – 21:00
Neuadd Pontgarreg

I ddathlu Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched cynhelir Talwrn arbennig yn Neuadd Pontgarreg.

Pa ffordd well o gydnabod llwyddiant ein harwres Cranogwen? Y ferch gynta’ erioed i ennill gwobr farddonol yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac un oedd yn annog merched eraill i ddarllen ac ysgrifennu.
Y Meuryn gwadd yw Mererid Hopwood a’r ddau dîm fydd yn ymryson yw Tîm Crannog V Merched Hawen. Idris Reynolds fydd y Capten ar fwrdd Tîm Crannog a Mari George fydd yn llywio Merched Hawen.

Dewch draw am noson arbennig. Mi fydd Radio Cymru yn recordio’r noson ar gyfer ei darlledu.

To celebrate International Women’s Day a Welsh language poetry evening will be held at Neuadd Pontgarreg. A fitting tribute to Cranogwen the first female to win a poetry prize at the National Eisteddfod. Radio Cymru will be recording the competition for broadcast.