Doedd dim AGM blwyddyn diwethaf – Covid.
There was no AGM last year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Manylion a ffurflen: Details and nominations form:
Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog Welfare Committee
Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol
nos Iau, 20 Mai am 7.30 AR LEIN
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 20 May at 7.30 ONLINE
Perllan Llangrannog Orchard update
a) Cyfrifon ac Adroddiad b) Ethol Pwyllgor c) Unrhyw fater perthnasol arall |
a) Accounts and Report for b) Election of Committee for c) Any other relevant business |
Mae gan holl drigolion yr hawl i fynychu’r cyfarfod ac fe’ch gwahoddir i wneud. Mae’n bosibl penodi dirprwy, gofynnwch am fanylion.
All residents are entitled and invited to attend and/or join the Committee. A proxy may be appointed; for details please ask
Os ych chi’n moyn ymuno’r Pwyllgor, ofynwch yr Ysgrifenyddes am fanylion.
If you wish to join the Committee, please contact the Secretary for details.
Cynyr Ifan (Cadeirydd/Chair) 654214; |
Kat Dawes (Ysgrifeyddes/Secretary) 07731307265; |
Pwyllgor Lles Llangrannog Welfare Committee
Enwebiadau 2021-22 / Nominations 2021-22
Teitl ac Enwau Llawn yr enwebai
Title & Full Name of nominee
Dyddiad geni
Date of birth
Cod Post
Llofnod yr enwebai
Signature of nominee
Cynigydd (Enw a llofnod)
Proposer (Name & signature)
Eilydd (Enw a llofnod)
Seconder (Name & signature)
Dychwelwch y ffurflen at yr Ysgrifennydd / Please return this form to the Secretary