Cranogwen : Ei dylanwad a’i chyflawniadau | Cranogwen : Her Influence and Achievements


7 – 8pm


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Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen Community Monument

Crangowen : Ei dylanwad a’i chyflawniadau | Cranogwen : Her Influence and Achievements

Cyflwyniad gan Yr Athro Jane Aaron o Brifysgol De Cymru | A presentation by Professor Jane Aaron of the University of South Wales.

Rydym yn falch iawn i gyhoeddi lansiad Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen, wedi ei gefnogi gan Monumental Welsh Women

Dyma gyfle i ni rannu gyda phawb beth yw amcan y prosiect, beth sydd eisoes wedi ei gyflawni gan Monumental Welsh Women o ran codi arian a beth sydd angen ei gwneud er mwyn sicrhau bod cerflun o Cranogwen yn cael ei godi yma yn y pentref.

I gychwyn y prosiect mi fydd cyflwyniad gan Jane Aaron, sydd wrthi’n ysgrifennu bywgraffiad am Cranogwen, y morwr, bardd, athrawes, newyddiadurwraig, pregethwraig ac ymgyrchydd.

Mi fydd y cyflwyniad tua 30 munud gyda cyfle i holi cwestiynau wedyn.

We are proud to announce the launch of the Cranogwen Community Monument project, supported by Monumental Welsh Women.

We would like to share the aims of this project, what has already been achieved by Monumental Welsh Women in terms of fundraising and what needs to be done in order to ensure a statue of Cranogwen is raised here in the village.

Our first event is a FREE Zoom talk by Jane Aaron, who is writing a definitive biography of Cranogwen – mariner, poet, teacher, journalist, preacher and campaigner.

The talk will last around 30 minutes and there will be an opportunity to ask questions afterwards.

Croeso i bawb | All welcome

(Mi fydd y cyflwyniad gan Jane Aaron yn Saesneg | The presentation by Jane Aaron will be in English)


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