Prosiectiau | Projects

The Welfare Committee has several projects on the go at any one time. We also have some wonderful ideas which are currently on the back-burner until we have the resources and time to commit to them. Information on projects which have been completed can also be found via this page.

Ffynon Fair. This small, ancient well near to the churchyard was excavated and is now kept tidy by the Welfare and village volunteers. Phil Cope, an expert on historic wells, was commissioned to write a report including suggestions for the future. We would like to put up information boards and do some landscaping.

Project Ideas

Energy generation. We would like to build a small solar farm, or once again use the Hawen for energy. The local infrastructure currently prevents this (no capacity for storage or distribution).

Information Boards. Sites of interest in the village (lime kiln, Cranogwen, St Carannog, Ffynon Fair etc.) could be co-ordinated into a walking trail, with information boards at the sites and a leaflet to explain things. This requires some funding.