Our beautiful village garden is the site of the Cranogwen statue, a plaque commemorating Edward Elgar’s links to the village, benches for relaxation, space for children to play in and a mosaic made by the Little Arts School. Anyone is welcome to come and enjoy it!
Situated on the main road down to the beach on the left just after the Vestry buildings.

Village Garden Memorial Plaques
The lower Garden wall is the site of many plaques in memory of those who loved Llangrannog.
If your loved one lived in Llangrannog and you would like a plaque in the Garden, please copy and fill in the form below and return it to the Secretary of the Welfare Committee. The Committee (which meets 2nd Thursday of every month except August) will approve the request and extend any advice required.
What are the dimensions? A max of 30 inches wide and 20 inches tall please.
Does it have to be bilingual? The planned wording of the plaque is up to you; we will approve it at a meeting. We would like to see the use of Welsh where possible.
Do I have to pay for a spot? Once siting is agreed, we would ask for a donation to the maintenance of the Garden, which is done by Welfare Committee volunteers using funds raised by us. The donation and amount are up to you; we would suggest at least £20.
How much text can I fit on it? Please see the photos for a guide; the maker can tell you more.
Can I have images on it? See the photos; one or two is possible.
Who can make this for me? We suggest contacting local sculptor and craftsman Seb Boyesen.
Where can I put it? You can request a particular spot as below.
Who puts the plaque up? Please arrange for this yourselves with the maker.
What if I want a bench or other garden furniture instead? You are most welcome to propose this. Please give details on the form and we’ll get back to you if need be.
Can I put something on the steps or upper Garden? No, please note that the upper Garden is reserved for Cranogwen and the plaque for Edward Elgar only.
Application for a plaque in the lower Llangrannog Memorial & Community Garden
Please cut and paste and email to us at llangrannogwelfare at gmail dot com.
Your name:
Your address:
Your contact email or phone number:
Name of person to be memorialised:
Their Llangrannog address:
What you would like to put in the Garden: Plaque – Bench – Other
Proposed plaque siting (next to?):
Proposed plaque wording:
I understand that it is my responsibility to have this made and sited unless agreed otherwise, and that the Welfare Committee can take no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from or to memorials.