This page will collect information about the Cerflun Cymunedol Cranogwen Community Monument project. English below the Welsh.
The statue of our famous pioneer Cranogwen (Sarah Jane Rees) was unveiled in June 2023.
The Garden is maintained by the Welfare Committee. Donations to help with information plaques and garden upkeep are very welcome. Please contact the Secretary.

A project aiming to celebrate the ambition and success of our pioneering local heroine Cranogwen, who was a mariner, poet, journalist, preacher and campaigner.
Amcan y prosiect hwn yw dathlu uchelgais a llwyddiant ein harwres flaengar Cranogwen. Roedd hi’n forwr, athrawes, bardd, newyddiadurwr, pregethwr ac ymgyrchydd.
Gallwch brynu cardiau post Cranogwen yma.
Datganiad i’r wasg am benodiad y cerflunwyr.
Cranogwen Project Update Autumn 2021
Grwp o ferched o Langrannog ac o Bontgarreg ydyn ni ac rydyn ni’n cael ein cefnogi gan Monumental Welsh Women. Ein nod yw casglu arian i greu cerflun efydd maint llawn i goffáu bywyd a chyfraniad Cranogwen, codi ymwybyddiaeth ohoni ac ysbrydoli cenhedlaethau i ddod.
Rydyn ni’n cael ein cefnogi gan bwyllgor llywio sy’n cynnwys Elin Jones AS, Helen Molyneux o Monumental Welsh Women a’r Athro Jane Aaron. Gallwch weld mwy o wybodaeth:
Ein digwyddiad cyntaf oedd cyflwyniad Zoom gan yr Athro Jane Aaron o Brifysgol De Cymru sydd ar hyn o bryd yn ysgrifennu bywgraffiad Cranogwen. Gallwch glywed recordiad yma.
Byddai eich cefnogaeth a mewnbwn yn werthfawr iawn i ni. Os hoffech gyfrannu, ewch i’n tudalen Gofund me neu gysylltwch ag unrhyw aelod o’r prosiect am fwy o fanylion. Byddwn hefyd yn hapus iawn i glywed gennych os y gallwch gyfrannu mewn ffordd arall – cwestiynau, syniadau neu sgiliau arbennig.
Bydd diweddariad am y prosiect gan gynnwys digwyddiadau, pwyllgorau, ac adroddiadau am gynnydd yn cael eu rhannu ar Hwb Llangrannog, tudalen Facebook ac yma. I ganfod mwy o wybodaeth am Cranogwen a’r grwp Monumental Welsh Women.
You can buy Cranogwen postcards on this site.
Press release re. the appointment of sculptors: English | Cymraeg
Cranogwen Project Update Autumn 2021
We are a project team of women, supported by Monumental Welsh Women, from the communities of Llangrannog and Pontgarreg, West Wales. We are seeking funds to create a life-sized bronze statue to commemorate Cranogwen’s life and achievements, raise her profile and inspire further generations.
We are supported by a steering group including Elin Jones AM, Monumental Welsh Women’s Helen Molyneux and Professor Jane Aaron. The project’s Terms of Reference can be seen here:
Our first event was a Zoom presentation by University of South Wales academic Jane Aaron, who is currently writing a biography of Cranogwen. The recording is available here.
Your support and input into the project would be invaluable. If you would like to donate, please see our Gofundme page at or contact any member of the project team for more information. We would also love to hear from people who would like to contribute in any other way. Please do get in touch with any questions, ideas or special skills you have.
Updates on the project including events, meetings and progress reports will be shared on the Llangrannog Hwb Facebook page and here. To find out more about Cranogwen and the Monumental Welsh Women group, please see here:
Project Team:
1. Anne-Marie Bollen, Project Lead 07971404326
2. Helena Boyesen
3. Kat Dawes, Project Administrator: 07731307265
4. Carys Ifan, Communications Lead
5. Sarah Jones
6. Enfys Jenkins
7. Jill Greenhalgh
If you have any images of Cranogwen you can share with the project, please contact Kat